To Be Or Not To Be ๐Ÿคจ

To Be or not to Be

How can I convince myself to be with a person whom I haven't  expected myself with. Is a person wrongful when he decides with his mind and leaves his heart alone.  Confusion, loss, and bad thoughts constrain one from unleashing his feeling and telling what bothers him. In each time he meets people, 

but his mind is in another world. Absent- minded, lost, beaten, and worthless he is , not because anybody degrades him but because he degrades himself by choosing everything and feeling nothing. Could you keep in touch with me, please?!

He demanded from her. But no, no I can't do it, she shouted loudly and uncontrollably, she refused but why. You have to get to know him well before marriage, her friend advised her. She was afraid, she didn't want to give a person all she had; her priceless time, her love, her care, everything can't be given for him. Is this matter still disputable ?!

She knows nothing but believes in that destiny can be changed and altered in few seconds. She isn't capable of persuading anyone with these words but herself. I'll be in a quiet place to think over about this topic, are you really willing to take on the responsibilities of redeciding such tough decision, she asked herself in a calm tone. 

Nothing is possible except praying; praying to God to make the right choice for me. I'll supplicate to him and ask him to be with me in each moment since he's the solely one who knows me best, she said while she's crying and plenty of tears covered her innocent eyes. 


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